
A corporate girl's guide to surviving the 3 pm candy jar

Bring it on Spring!

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The weather is clearing, the birds are chirping, and Spring foods are coming back in season. DO you have frozen vegetables you’d like to get rid of before the Summer season? Read on, if so!cherry blossoms

This is a beautiful time of year in Washington DC. The Cherry Blossom festival celebrates the blooming of the cherry blossom trees that surround the Tidal Basin near the Washington Monument and Thomas Jefferson memorial in DC. The trees were planted  in 1912 and were a gift of friendship to the United States from the people of Japan. The Japanese Embassy informed the Department of State that the City of Tokyo intended to donate to the United States two thousand cherry trees to be planted along the Potomac River. The trees are a symbol of human life and the transformation of the culture throughout the ages.


This recipe helps your clear out your fridge and move on to the fresh, crisp vegetables of Spring. So dig those frozen brussel sprouts out of the freezer and add this tangy dish to your dinner plate tonight.


2 cups brussel sprouts

2 lbs or 1-2 butternut squash

1 pear

1 cup mushrooms

3 tbsp balsamic vinegar

1 tbsp olive oil

 1 tbsp Dijon Mustard

Goat cheese or feta (optional)

Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. Slice mushrooms and cube butternut squash. Spray baking dish with non-stick cooking spray. Coat mushrooms, brussel sprouts, and butternut squash with olive oil. Roast for 40 minutes. Flip vegetables halfway through cooking cycle.  Whisk together mustard and balsamic vinegar. Slice pear. Add the pears to the dish and coat vegetables with balsamic mixture once out of the oven. Let cool and add cheese if desired.  Serve over quinoa or with a chicken breast.


Author: healthygirlshappyhour

Two young gals trying to find our way in the corporate world while maintaining our svelte figures

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